Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Simply Ghastly

I had a terrible nightmare last night. I dreamed I was living in a huge, blandly 70s condo complex. But wait, there's more, because the ceilings were exposed planks and the carpets were "textured" polyester and both were a sort of shrimp pink. Just ghastly. I think I woke sobbing.

Also, last week I had a dream where I found a baby in one of those elaborate car carrier seats in front of my house on the sidewalk and that therefore I would have to raise it and be responsible for the little snot machine. Annoyingly, I would realize that I could turn it over to Child Protective Services, but then I would forget and go back to worrying about being stuck with a brat in a car seat that didn't match my car. I kept thinking "I don't want a kid. I don't want to be one of Those Gays." Again, sobbing.

I got to stop eating doughnuts before going to bed.


  1. maybe take an ambien with the doughnuts,
    then just imagine what might happen?

  2. You could teach Saki to haul off and belt you when you start writhing around in the throes of a nightmare. But then he might haul off and belt you when you start writhing around in the throes of a battery-operated good time. . . .

  3. But you would make a wonderful mother.

  4. You could meet up with other mothers in the park and talk utter utter shite.

  5. I think you need a terrier. But then again that's my solution to pretty much everything. Everything, that is, except when the solution is a French 75.

  6. Hmm. Not so sure about your making a wonderful mother, but then I'm more worried about the decorating nightmare. That is SO unlike you!

  7. I woke up sobbing this morning after a dream where I was in an old diner but it had been neglected and plans were underway to demolish it.

    Does this mean I'm pregnant?

  8. I just dreamt that I had a dream..... confusing

    must go and wash the sheets, dreams can be so wet sometimes


  9. "Then I stepped on the ping-pong ball!"

  10. And did the condo have off white walls, and gold tone appliances?


In Which We Consider the Rules

There are rules I live by, and these are not the usual old hippie hash like "be grateful" or "live in the moment."  Mine...